Water for Essential Industries
Water Worx serves critical businesses, when public water services don’t.
Need a Water Worx Account?
Fast access. No application fees. Zero hassle.
Water Worx Advantages

Quality and Convenience
- Rapid self-service: 24/7, 365
- Options of 2″, 3″ and 4″ lines, either side or overhead filling
- Customized invoicing and payments upon request
- Consistently purified water, to city-treated standards
- Coin-Op access for small users

Fast and Easy
- Two lanes allowi continuous filling, on-demand
- Secure account set-up and passcode keypad access
- Rapid fill speeds: 3000L/Min
- In and Out: wide turnarount lot, arrive avoiding traffic
- Minutes from Highway 2 (QE2), between Highways 11 and 11A

Safe Water, Safe Workers
- Eco-friendly water source
- Built-in contamination and backflow prevention
- Heated parking-pads during winter, no ice buildup
- Ice-prevention on fill fittings no need for blow-torching
- Well-lit and well-maintained site in all weather conditions
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